
Where Is Idaho? See Its Map Location and Surrounding States

One of the newest states to join the union is Idaho, but do you know where it is? This state in the Midwest was formerly a portion of Oregon County. Being so far away, Europeans first decided not to pursue it. Even though numerous routes passed through Idaho during the Lewis and Clark expedition and the California Gold Rush, it wasn’t until the middle of the 1800s that Idaho was officially admitted to the United States.

How are you going to get there? What is in the vicinity? Let’s look below to find out more about where Idaho is located and the surrounding states.

Where Is Idaho Located on the Map?

Idaho is situated in the United States’ Pacific Northwest. Idaho is totally landlocked by neighbouring states and mountains, not by the shore. It is surrounded by six states, including Washington and Montana. British Columbia is located at its northern boundary. The state is half the size of Iraq, with an area of 83,570 square miles. Utah is the closest size to Idaho, yet it is still just one-third the size of Texas.

When Did Idaho Officially Join the United States?

Idaho was among the last states to become a part of the US because of its location in the Midwest and the lack of clear prospects for gold mining. The land used for the acquisition came from several territories at the time, including Dakota, Nebraska, and Washington. Although the land was officially purchased through a treaty in 1846, this area was twice reduced in the following few decades.

Idaho became the 43rd state to enter the union on July 3, 1890, but its numbers were not included in the 1900 census. There were 163,000 people living there at the time, but in the last 100 years, that number has more than doubled. There were more than 1.85 million people living there as of the most recent census.

Which States Adjacent to Idaho?

Although Montana offers more room for habitation, Idaho has a far larger population. Although Montana’s terrain is largely flat, they both have mountain ranges. One of the best places to find affordable housing and fresh career prospects is Montana.

Although there are many urban legends regarding the original location of the boundary, the surveying crew responsible for drawing the state’s borders bears a large portion of the blame. The intersection of the Rocky and Bitter Root Mountains became the official border of Montana, as decided by the 38th Congress.


Wyoming, which is east of the Rocky Mountains, is well-known for its ferocious winds. Because of its proximity to the Canadian border, it has extremely frigid winters. Located west of the Rocky Mountains, Idaho experiences less severe weather than other states. Montana, however, is among the most cheap states for families to visit and relocate due to its reduced cost of living.


The opportunity to explore Nevada is one of the main benefits of travelling south. Idaho has a lower cost of living than Nevada, however Nevada pays 10% more to offset these differences. Nevada has harsher summers but no income tax, unlike Idaho. Nevada became a part of the US over twenty years before Idaho did.


Idaho and Utah differ greatly from one another. Idaho’s terrain offers a cosy ruggedness, while Utah is all dunes and deserts. Utah is notably drier while being close to Idaho, which has a lot more lakes. However, Utah is ranked far higher due to its broad economy. Utah’s climate is not cyclical; rather, it is constantly humid subtropical.


With 7.6 million citizens, Washington has a far larger population than Idaho. With 1.7 million people, Idaho has a much smaller population. While Washington’s economy and access to healthcare services are higher than Idaho’s, they aren’t quite as cheap.


The political attitude is the primary distinction between Oregon and Idaho. Oregon is the antithesis of the former, which is more conservative. Because of this distinction, a large number of conservative Oregonians decide to relocate to Idaho. Indeed, Oregon’s governor recently stated that this action might be the consequence of locals not feeling “heard” when it comes to their political beliefs and ideals.

Is Idaho A Good Place to Live?

Idaho has a lot to offer if you’re deciding which state to relocate to. It’s a great area to live for older people and families. One of the most alluring aspects of it is its inexpensive cost of living, which is 6% less than the national average. The cheaper cost of housing—12% less than the national average—benefits locals as well. With a 1 in 401 chance of experiencing a violent crime, this state has less crime than others. In addition, 3.3% of people are unemployed.

Apart from the numerous economic advantages, the primary reason individuals relocate to Idaho is the opportunity to spend quality time outside. The view is breathtaking and the weather is pleasant for miles in all directions.

What Kind of Weather Is It In Idaho?

In Idaho, the weather fluctuates a lot. Summers are reasonably mild, while winters are bitterly cold. The state’s large number of mountainous regions and consequently diverse elevation contribute to the disparities in local forecasts. There are places where the low is -60 degrees Fahrenheit.

There are two primary climatic kinds, thus in the winter, dress warmly. On the other hand, the state’s climate varies from humid subtropical to subarctic, with everything in between. While southern cities have the most heat, northern and eastern cities often receive the most precipitation.

What Is Idaho Most Known For?

Idaho produces some of the most well-known potatoes in the world, among other significant items. The state’s untamed terrain allows customers to extract their own valuable stones in their unaltered form. The majority of visitors love the state because of its stunning scenery, which makes it the perfect location for camping, fishing, and living somewhat off the grid when you take a trip there.