
Dragonfly | Description, Anatomy, Habitat, Life Cycle, & Facts

Dragonflies are insects with long bodies, transparent wings and large eyes. There are more than 5,000 species of dragonflies that are part of the scientific infrastructure known as Anisoptera.

Because dragonflies are insects, they have 6 legs, thorax, head and abdomen. The abdomen is long and has many segments. Despite having 6 legs, dragonflies are not very good at walking. It’s a great flyer, though. Dragonflies can hover in one place, fly extremely fast, even fly backwards. They are one of the fastest flying insects in the world, reaching speeds of more than 30 miles per hour.

Dragonflies come in a variety of colors including blue, green, yellow and red. They are one of the most colorful insects on the planet. They also come in a variety of sizes from half an inch long to over 5 inches long.

Where do Dragonflies live?

Dragonflies live all over the world. They prefer to live in warm climates and near water.

What do Dragonflies eat?

One of the best things about dragonflies is that they love to eat mosquitoes and mosquitoes. They are carnivores and eat all sorts of other insects, including cicadas, flies, and even other smaller dragonflies.

To capture prey, dragonflies create a basket with their feet. They then lunge forward by catching their prey with their feet and biting to hold them in place. They usually eat what they catch while in flight.

To see predators and their food, dragonflies have large compound eyes. These eyes are made up of thousands of smaller eyes and allow the dragonfly to see in all directions.

Interesting Facts About Dragonflies

Dragonflies do not sting and generally do not sting people.

They have been around for about 300 million years. Prehistoric dragonflies were much larger and probably had a wingspan of 2.5 feet!

When newly hatched, the larvae or pupae live in the water for about a year. Once they emerge from the water and begin to fly, they only live for about a month.

Indonesians love to eat them as a snack.

Having a dragonfly perched on the head is considered good luck.

They are not really related to common flies.

Groups of dragonflies are called swarms. Dragonfly viewing, similar to bird watching, is called oding from the orderly classification of the odonata.

Dragonfly-eating predators include fish, ducks, birds, and water bugs.

They need to warm up in the morning sun before take off and fly for most of the day.