
Dealing with Separation Anxiety Symptom: Signs & Risk Factors

When we hear the term “separation anxiety,” we frequently refer to it in relation to children or, on occasion, pets. This mental illness in youngsters is seen as a severe problem. The reason for this is that a child who is unable to live apart from his parents is likely to miss out on possibilities for psychological growth. These kids are more likely to experience more anxiety issues in the future. Not only does this disorder impact children, but it also frequently causes separation anxiety in adults.

A correct diagnosis is essential to understanding the differences between symptoms of separation anxiety that are typical and those that may indicate a disease. For example, it is acceptable for a three-year-old to express disapproval and cry when they are taken from their parents to go to school. Children typically experience this kind of separation anxiety for a brief period of time.

Conversely, people who have extended periods of separation from their attachment figure may exhibit signs of sadness and agitation. The continuation of these responses is a symptom of separation anxiety disorder, or more accurately, it is one of its side effects.

What is a separation anxiety disorder

The mental health disorder known as separation anxiety is characterized by excessive and acute anxiety as well as a fear of being parted from a loved one. Extreme distress is experienced by those with this illness, which throws their daily lives into disarray. An overall reduction in day-to-day functioning may ensue from this.

What gives rise to fear about separation?

Symptoms of separation anxiety disorder typically appear when a kid or adult feels threatened with losing their attachment figure. Anxiety related to separation might have several reasons.

Changes in the environment

Relocating to a new place or changing houses can also be contributing factors to separation anxiety disorder. Preschoolers have separation anxiety when they are taken from their parents or other caregivers.

Stressful situations

Divorce, the loss of a loved one, and other stressful circumstances can all contribute to the onset of symptoms of separation anxiety. As kids become older and start having relationship problems, you may also notice teenagers experiencing separation anxiety.


Symptoms of separation anxiety can be brought on by mistrust and insecurity about a person or circumstance. It’s because the attachment figure has an emotional quotient.

When does anxiety related to separation begin?

Adults with separation anxiety disorder obsessively worry about their children’s safety, well-being, and health as well as that of their spouse, significant other, and any other person to whom they feel a deep emotional tie. This attention can have a variety of negative impacts and is frequently upsetting.

Being unduly protective of their kids and displaying child separation anxiety are two indicators of adult separation anxiety. They fear being by themselves and are often wondering where their loved ones have disappeared to.

Adults with this illness also experience bodily agony when they are apart from their loved ones. If remedial action is not done, they may also develop another serious mental disease or family strife.

Toddlers with separation anxiety are a regular sight. Although the symptoms of separation anxiety disorder typically appear in childhood, they can also affect adults. More women than men are affected by this mental health issue. This illness develops as a result of numerous physiological, environmental, and hereditary variables.

There are a number of separation anxiety disorder treatment options that can help people regain their ability to function, reduce their symptoms, and build strong bonds with the people they care about.

How to handle the symptoms of separation anxiety

It is only recently that separation anxiety disorder has been acknowledged as a serious mental health issue among adults. There aren’t many therapies created especially for this illness as a result. However, there are several therapies that may be helpful. In order to manage this illness, you must first recognize that it exists and seek medical attention. It’s important to fully understand these anxiety symptoms before attempting to treat adult separation anxiety. Following that, you might apply the following therapies.

Identifying the signs of your anxiousness

anxious disorder can be treated in part by managing your anxious feelings. Many adults with separation anxiety exhibit behaviors and obsessive thoughts that are reminiscent of OCD. Some people find that being alone themselves triggers anxiety attacks. It can be quite beneficial to counter the effects of various anxiety orders.

Support groups

Separation anxiety can also benefit from participation in support groups. These organizations benefit people by offering more social assistance.


Adults who suffer from separation anxiety may benefit from the same kind of therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is beneficial for adults with separation anxiety. Teaching patients how to be alone can improve their mental health, which is another benefit of systematic desensitization.


Treatments for separation anxiety may also include antidepressants and relaxation techniques.

In summary

Before making therapy recommendations becomes simple, further research in this area is required. The techniques listed above aid in the treatment of separation anxiety symptoms. In addition, since these conditions might worsen these symptoms, it’s critical to treat further stress and anxiety-related conditions.